B.A.T.H.#7 General Information

"Dear Fingerboarders and friends,

I´m writing to inform you about some major changes to the next Battle at the Harrics in 2016.

You probably know that B.A.T.H is one of the most spectacular contests in the fingerboarding scene, with 1000€ first prize up for grabs and over 15 country's involved, B.A.T.H. is the biggest international fingerboarding meet up in the world.

Here comes the big news: We´re eliminating the invitation process and opening the contest to everybody! The format will stay the same, but there will be no more invitations!

That means if you or your team riders want to participate all you have to do is email and apply with your details (Name, Age, your Country and any Sponsors you may have) to timokranz@gmail.com.

There will be a qualification event on Friday at the “Battle of Berlin” and the main event on Saturday for the 64 top dogs, professionals and Friday´s winners!

We´ll put the riders lists together and announce who has confirmed their presence and participation on that date in Berlin. This means a bigger personal responsibility for every rider.

You want to participate – YOU can make it happen!

This change to the organization of B.A.T.H is the next step in the progression of this great event, we want to reinforce the community aspect and let it grow!!

Batte of Berlin 4 – 01.04.2016 ;
Battle at the Harrics 7 – 02.04.2016

More details to follow! "

Timo Kranz

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