Fingerboarding: A Look Back

"Howdy. I will preface this topic by being honest, it’s been a long day and this is a topic that deals with a bunch of scattered thoughts that I have been having over the past few months now. It stems from topics I’ve talked about with new and old friends alike, and having discussed days by gone while looking to the days to come. Here’s the long and short of it; the past days of fingerboarding are gone. Absolute, Prete Kura’s, Berlinwood Old Mold Hype, the days of Primo, Vegas, Cannaboard, Holywood, Frost, Arctic, Motive, Shortwood, Morningwood, Finga, Defstone, Close Up, Premier, Jclant, Yellowood stock scarcity, the hardcore Evolve decks, the hunt for the ever elusive Eurolit wheels and Winkler wheels, along with the coming of Substance, Flatface, and Nocomply wheels. Nollie wheels was there too, though that’s a story for another day. That is just barely scratching the tip of the iceberg that is the rich history of fingerboarding in the modern scene. For those of you that looked through that long list above, did you see something you remember? Perhaps a brand once forgotten, or an incident that was related to something you remembered from long ago. An inside joke, an old friend, your first deck, your favorite video part, anything from days since passed.
And you want to know the funny part? Even though some of these companies are long gone, they still live on. They live on in the products they brought to the scene, the media they created, and the impression they left on all the people that were attentively watching. It all lives on through us, whether it be from the old relics we still carry with us or the memories we keep.
And the reality of it all is that no matter what, time has a way of taking away both of those things.
But the one thing time has an exceptionally difficult deal with ruining is written and video records. The old version of this website was a goldmine for such information, but thanks to the shift of media apps and the scene as a whole the site fell prey to the test of time. I for one truly regretted the day I decided to check up on this site to find it no longer accessible, but thanks to Chris this site has been given a new light. A fresh take, a new pool of oil for the wick of creativity and community to burn from. Let’s not squander this new chance. That is why I’m here, that is my purpose. It is what I wish to bring to the scene, and what I know I will be proud of when looked back on. I understand that with the fall of the original site, and such shifts before it, much information has already been lost and scattered… But I will be darned if I do not try to salvage and sculpt what remains.
So here’s what to expect of this thread, and what I plan to achieve. It will take time but i want to create a basic written log of company information here from the days gone by of fingerboarding, along with some deck examples image wise that can be gathered (ideally limited to one or two images, with examples of what was iconic for them. Mainly from my own collection.). Along with the company post, there will be a more in-depth video linked in that will give a brief history of what era of fingerboarding that company occured in, the effects they had on the community product and media wise, and what is known of their current whereabouts or status (within reason of course, contained in the scene/hobby). Okay, I think I have done the best I can with this pitch and I am going to post this thread with the end note of this: I will be working on the first post and video this weekend, with the topic of Berlinwood. I’m positive a lot of you will know the old era and new era of the company, but with the gates opening soon to veterans and rookies alike in a week or so, I want this to start off strong with a topic everyone can get behind. Thank you very much for your time reading this, and I’m looking forward to working on this project.
(also: this post may work as an avenue or hub for topic discussion about older companies and such, that’s a goal with this sub channel. Here’s to hoping that can be pulled off.)"
A post by @Lakewoodfb on fingerflipinc new forum!
Stay tuned, the new forum is back soon.
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